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The 3 Hottest Models for Blogging

By:     Topics: Blog,Blogging

If you own a blog or are thinking of starting a blog then there are three hot and sexy models…… for blogging, that you will need to choose from. almost every successful blog uses one of these blog models, so pick your hottest model from the list below:

The Super Model


The Super Blogger Model is for the big names. It is for bloggers who want a high profile and are keen to be in the public eye. Good examples of super models of the blogging world are: John Chow, Darren Rowse and Aaron Wall.
These guys are not here for a quick buck, they are aiming to use their brand for many years and to launch other services and products from that brand.
They also generally focus more of their attention to one or two blogs, as opposed to creating 10+ mini-blogs.

The Niche Model


The niche blogger model focuses more on quantity that quality. Often these blogs are automated and require very little human input. Each blog generally earns a small income, but the goal is to have a high quantity of earning blogs. I have seen niche bloggers create thousands of blogs, and if each blog earns an average $10 per month, then a huge income can be earned.

The Flipper Model


The flipper model involves website flipping. Which basically means you buy a blog, you improve it, and you sell it for a profit.

The blog flipping model requires a lot of skill and effort, but if you are good at branding, marketing and content generation, this can be a great blogging model to use.

The Hottest Model

Which model is the sexiest for you? Which gets you hot under the collar?

If you are thinking of creating a blog, you should first pick one of the above models to improve your chances of blog success.

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  1. Good post. Nice photos too.

    Many bloggers get into it because they read about how much income the John Chow’s of the world are making. But choosing one of the other models might be a better way to go for a blogger with varied strengths.

  2. Jonathan Volk says:

    Some of the niche sites dont have to be automated.

    I have a mostly affiliate marketing blog but it’s all my own posts. :)

    Just wanted to add that.

  3. lovely article, gr8

  4. Khadijah says:

    hello, my name is khadijah if there are any agents on here may you please contact me on mny email. I am a aspiring model, I am 14 yeras old, I am 5 foot 7 inches.

  5. I’m definitely a niche blogger, however once I feel a blog has reached it’s peak, I tend to sell. As for the business aspect, i try to develop a pagerank, high links, high traffic, and proof of revenue. If all those aspects are covered decently, a site can usually sell for more then 12X what it made per month.

  6. I see the profit potential in the niche and flipper models, and I think niche blogging is the way to go to make money (mostly because flipping is much much harder). But personally I like to concentrate on one blog and as selling my blog is not the primary target, I’d guess I’m with The Super Model (Oh, and I prefer Marisa Miller over Giselle). But I don’t necessary shoot for high profile in sense this post lists these models, I just love to write about things I’m passionate and know a lot about and helping others while at it by sharing my experiences, and that’s more and less the reason why I blog.

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