Monetizing your website for Christmas
Make Money Online This Christmas
With less than 55 Days left till it is Christmas Day – now is the time you start thinking about monetizing your website for Christmas. With finances the way they are for many of us, this year more than ever we must take every opportunity possible to make money online.
Here are 6 ways you can earn extra income from Christmas:
Christmas Sale – If you have a room full of stock or you are struggling to sell your advertising space then create a sale and give it meaning, for example “My Wife Wants a New Car Sale – so I am giving away all my stock for half price for this week only!”
Special Events – It could be a Christmas Party or in my case a Christmas Tele Seminar where I will teach the lucky 100 callers how to get rich in the New Year!
Upsell – I was on yesterday and was looking at their jumpers because it was getting quite cold here in England (it even snowed today!) and I noticed that once you chose a jumper you get the option to buy other items that would go with it. It would choose a pair of shoes, a watch, jeans and a t-shirt and I have to say I was tempted to get it all! So I suggest if you are selling something this Christmas make sure you have a related product you can up sell with, for example if you are selling Christmas Decorations they may also be interested in Christmas Puddings.
Resell – Contact your past customers and tell them you are offering it at a discounted price just to them! This week I plan on emailing past advertisers and offering them a Christmas discount of 25% now just for Christmas but as long as they keep the subscription!
Christmas Special – Create a product just for Christmas, you don’t have to create anything new, just present it in a new way. For example you could take your 5 eBooks you have written and put them in one set and sell them the idea of making money over Christmas instead of losing money. This idea could work for anything, you could put a selection of physical goods into a hamper and make it your Christmas Hamper.
Christmas Raffle – find a prize and sell raffle tickets!
If you are young and haven’t yet got yourself online and want to earn some extra money this Christmas then you may want to try selling Christmas Cards, wrapping paper or even go Carol Singing.
Happy Christmas / Happy Holidays Everyone
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This is a great idea. I was thinking about doing some type of promotion for Christmas to increase interest in my blog. Thanks for the great tips.