How to Use Article Marketing to Drive Traffic
Article marketing is a fantastic way to drive visitors to your website, if you know how to use it. Article marketing is a type of advertising where you write short articles that are distributed throughout free article marketplaces.
These articles are related to your niche, and have a small author byline where you can represent yourself and link back to your homepage.
Article marketing is a great way of getting your site out there because it gives your content exposure by making available for reproduction. Your article is then used all around the internet with your link in the credits giving you PR juice and visitors.
Despite the distinct advantages of article marketing, many marketers never seem to make it past the first submission. While writing unique articles for distribution is a more honest way to market, reproducing articles from your blog works just as well, so long as you edit them within the parameters of the submission guidelines.
With this method in mind, it would be easy to spend an hour preparing ten articles for submission and putting your content out there. The benefits roll in once you’ve submitted a fair amount of articles, usually ten.
Tips for Article Marketing
Article marketing can be easy to utilize effectively, if you follow these simple tips:
Shorter articles (400-600 word range) attract more visitors. If you happen to be a blogger who prefers writing long content, this will be a challenge. While depth is respected on blogs, shorter articles are easier to absorb and attract more visitors.
Interesting titles attract links. You should keyword optimize your titles, while making them interesting and attractive to possible publishers. If you don’t put time into your titles, publishers won’t notice your content among thousands of other articles.
Use affiliate links. While this may seem dishonest, you are not distributing one of a kind articles to your loyal blog readers, but small chunks of useful information for free usage. Benefiting from affiliate links is just one more option for maximizing the benefits of article marketing.
Self promote. Linking to yourself in your articles will help boost your own pageviews and promote your content even more. While many article directories restrict the amount of links you can have in articles (and where you can place them), using links strategically can help you grow your traffic.
It’s mostly about luck. Whether you submit one article or one hundred, ultimately some will perform much better than others. Continuing to market until you achieve optimum results can be demanding, but those who wait will be rewarded.
Directories to Submit Your Articles
There are various article marketing sites all over the internet. The most famous of these is most likely ezine articles. However, others exist such as:
Article marketing sites are not the only place where you can submit your articles. Article marketing databases such as Google Knol and eHow give you another outlet to share your content. As well, you can earn money from some information databases.
Article marketing is an extremely powerful outlet for delivering traffic to your website. With the correct placement of links, and proper content formatting, article marketing can drive your visitor numbers through the roof.
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Hi there,
Another good one fromWebMakeMoney, I should say that you guys are doing a wonderful job.
Just wondering…How come most of the posts are by Susanto?![:)](../wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png)
Eddie Gear
Thank you! Because Yan has just retired at 21…. 😉 Hope that answers your question.
Hahahahah, Yan you are funny! Great post though, and a very good way of driving traffic to your offering, provided you got the necessary writing skills firstly, and the time to write secondly. let’s faced it, nothing comes for free and only dilligent effort will give you the required success.
I’ve been wanting to try and drive traffic to my site through article marketing but hadn’t really known how to. This should help a lot and will hopefully get the numbers up. Thanks a lot!
I got an article published on John Chow and it boosted my stats by a few hundred visitors a day. But too bad that bas*ard doesn’t like the other article I sent him that is related to his blog.
Well I knew that Article Marketing can help me increase Traffic but I didn’t knew how to do it correctly. Thanks for the tips.
I think my biggest problem is thinking up a good title for my article. doesn’t like affiliate links.
Over use of social media hides article marketing and benefits of article marketing, roomers article marketing less effective or may people don’t know how to utilize article marketing for best internet marketing hope your article may helpful for who utilizes article marketing.
One way I’ve seen this done is to write a longer article (around 1,000 words), then split it into two parts.
It needs to be written in such a way that the first half of the article can stand alone as an article in and of itself, but leaves the reader wanting more information..
Then in the resource box, use it to tease the reader into coming to your site to read the rest of the article. (You’d link to the article in the resource box, not your site’s home page)
Seems quite clever to me!
If using article marketing as a way to get traffic, then it is suggested that contents that will be created will be helpful to the target market.
I’ve used article marketing with alot of sucess, it can be sometimes time consuming but it well worth it. Great post.