How To Make Quick Money When You’re Short On Cash
For many people starting up in the home-based online businesses, being short on cash is inevitable. Many panic and look for a quick way to make some cash.
Though we all know it is usually not easy to make money quickly,
it is still possible!
Some methods are more effective than others, but nonetheless, all should work. It may also depend on your situation, and what you are most comfortable doing.
When You’re Short On Cash
First off, and probably the easiest, is to sell items (your own obviously). Look around your house (e.g.. bedrooms, garage, or basement) for a few minutes. I’m sure you can pick out 10-15 items that you do not use, and could sell for that cash you need oh-so-badly.
Craigslist vs eBay
Now, you may be wondering, where do I sell them!? Not hard at all. There are quite a few ways actually. Being my favorite and probably the easiest is through a local ad trader, such as Craigslist. Post your items on the Craigslist for the city nearest to you. The emails will pour in within hours.
People love used stuff, and you have used stuff. Put two and two together, and you will realize that you can sell them and easily make profit.
Now turn the table around. While you are selling your stuffs on Craigslist, look for some used stuffs you can resell. Yes, you could either grab some items at dirt-cheap prices or free stuffs people are disposing off on Craigslist and guess what?
Sell them on eBay.
But the problem with eBay is that it will take time. You have to set an auction, wait for people to bid, ship it, and so on. Not a fast method, but definitely not the worst either.
Temp Jobs
Temp jobs are just up there with buying and selling used stuff. There are many agencies that will hire people for some quick work. Visit the agency, do some paperwork, and not long after (usually a couple days) you should be contacted to go work. You are able to request jobs in specific fields, which is quite handy. Workers are usually paid weekly, and who knows? Sometimes these temporary jobs could turn into long-term jobs.
Yes, you read it right. It’s babysitting! Many people overlook this sort of specialized job, but you should not, considering its endless opportunity for work. Every weekend, many parents need to relieve their parental responsibilities and obviously someone to watch after their kids. Parents will usually pay quite good as you are allowing them to go out and have a good time without the worry of kids. Trust me. Babysitting is a huge niche that pays really well.
Or you can even try to start some kind of freelancing within your neighborhood. With work loads piling up on people these days, more and more are in need of someone to take care of household chores. By household chores, I do not mean only inside of the house.
Remember John, the Gardener on Desperate Housewives?
Mowing the lawn is a good way to make some quick money. Consider posting an ad on mailboxes and streetlights offering your services, and leave your number. If you are as good looking as John, you’re almost guaranteed to get a few calls for some regular work.
Lastly, if writing is your forte and you are able to churn out words fast enough, you could easily make a couple of hundred dollars for a few hours of work. Being a huge market per se, ghostwriting is definitely high on my recommended list. Places like getafreelancer, elance are never short of people who are always in need of ghostwriting services.
Now go bid for a quick cash.
As you can see, there are endless ways to make some quick cash. We’ve all been there, in a situation where we need money at that instant, no matter what it is for. These are all generally fast methods, and are always successful. Hopefully they may come handy when you’re short on cash.
Good luck!
Now your turn. Share with us what one method that has worked well for you in times of urgency.
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Nice article. Don’t forget Clickbank as an option. That is of course if you have hosting?!
Craigslist usually works out for me. Being descriptive of the items I’m selling and posting quality photos (or links from photobucket) usually gets me the sale. It also helps that I’m in the San Francisco Bay Area where Craigslist is super hot.
I babysitted once or twice. It was a nightmare :)))) Selling some hand-made stuff worked for me when I was a student
I used to gostwrite on forums like digital point, you can get some quick deals there if you are in a need of quick cash. I actually wrote so many articles, that now I’d actually pay money to not write articles 😀
@Paul: No doubt Clickbank has some great products (as well as craps) on its bank but the process of finding one to sell, and actually promoting it, can be time-consuming. Don’t you think so?
Carla, it goes the same here for me. Craigslist is high on my list too. Thanks for sharing.
@Best CSS Gallery:
Nightmare? You bet. It takes quite a bit of skills to babysit. Patience alone sometimes ain’t enough but hey, it does pay, doesn’t it?
Babysitting? I never thought of that before… I think I have to “look” professional before they allow me to take care of their baby.. haha
Selling redundant stuff on craigslist is a good way to raise cash when you’ve got stuff to get rid of, but sometimes things are a bit more desperate and money is needed quicker. What then?
Second-hand book or record shops might be a quick way to get money in your hands fast.
These are great ways to make some extra money, craigslist is a great way to sell your items, I never thought about the idea of reselling items, Im sure that would work greatly because you can find some good deals.
My buddy and I starting building a side business in web marketing consulting. It is doing ok, i mean its just a side business and I think a lot of people can do things like this. Don’t worry if your not an expert you’d be surprised how little some people know. I got hired for a small business that had a blog setup by their design company and they wanted me to show them how to make a post. No joke $100 to write and publish the post, I wowed them by changing the colors of the font.
You’ll get turned down a lot and make tons of annoying cold calls but you’ll make a few bucks.
Craigslist is great, but dangerous in certain cities. Some people still go out at night and to dark alleys to make deals…which I do not understand how it doesn’t ring a bell.
This is certainly something I need. I’ve got in all that I can invest in a business and start a website. Now I need to focus and make some money quick so that I can manage myself. Any suggestion will definately help. Thanks, feel free to stop by and provide your views and feedback.
Eddie Gear