How old were you when you started your first business?
I was about 8 years old when i had my first go, my dad was building a new house and there was always a lot of builders around and i enjoyed helping them out.
Being 8, i came up with the name “Builders are Us” and i have the business card to prove it! My dad contacted Toys R us for me to see if i could use the name but unfortunately they turned me down.
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Well, in all honesty, BlueIrn is actually my first project that I actually started and didn’t ‘partly’ inherit, so to speak. On that note, I started it when I was 17, and I still am 17. So in closing, I was 17 when I started my first business.
That your father called Toys ‘R’ Us got to be a lie, they can’t decide wether your name is “acceptable” or not to use….
In fact Stephan its the truth, he did send a letter to them. I’m guessing because R Us is a trademark?
Hmm, but you haven’t exactly got ‘R Us’ in your name, so they’d have to be really pedantic to file a lawsuit against it.