Creating a Passive Income from the Internet
Earning a Passive Income Online – Work Less Never, Earn More!
Time is Money – Put Everything on Autopilot
- It must never stop making you money
- We want to be down the beach every day with no worries in the world
- Never have to speak to any customers
- The money keeps coming in every month with no extra work
- Website will grow in value every month
- Will have the latest and up to date information on the website.
The idea of putting your website on autopilot is so you can do what you want, when you want. Making more and more money every month with no work at all, you don’t even have to confirm payments or talk to any customers.
Earning Your Money
We want to spend the littlest amount of time possible to earn our money. That wipes out anything where you will have to have contact with a customer, everything must be automated which means we can sit back, relax and watch the world go round. I would prefer to make $10,000 a month doing no work than making $20,000 month but having to sell my products, advertising spaces and the worst of all, talk to customers! Yuck!
Revenue Generators that will allow our website’s to go on autopilot:
Text-Link-Ads – allows publishes to gain revenue by selling text link ad’s through there website. For a 50/50 Split they will handle serving, scheduling, billing, customer service, and sales and for that reason, its well worth it!
Google Adsense - automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads that are relevant to your audience and your site content—ads so well-matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful. A lot of people say Google Adsense is dead, i bought a Adsense site a year ago for $200, since then it has made me around $3000.00 and continues to earn me more and more ever month. Doesnt seem dead to me… Affiliate Products - Sell other peoples products on commission basis. You make up to 75% of the price of the product, you don’t talk to any customers and you don’t even need to have your own product. With 1000’s of products related to your website, there be no shortage of monetizing opportunities. To find affiliate products, i use It may be worth not making so much money if time is more important to you!
1,000 Visitors a Day, Every day
Remember we do not have the time to buy advertising and to promote our website every month because were just to busy down the beach on our private beach! These promotion techniques will keep visitors coming to your site day after day. Search Engines - It is important to know how to optimize your page’s for search engines. Search engines can bring you 1000’s of targeted traffic every day to your website for FREE! You want to make sure every time someone adds a page to your website (you cant, because your to busy on your Yacht) that every page they add is search engine friendly. You can either use software plugin’s which make all your titles, tags and url’s search engine friendly or program it into your website yourself. Pay Per Click - allows publishers to advertise on 1000’s of other website’s on a pay per click basis, so you can have unlimited impressions and you only pay for the people who are actually interested in your advert. You can set daily limits for how much you want to spend on advertising a day. Life Time Links - Buy life time links on related website’s, to find webmasters with related website’s offering links for sale, you can visitor the Sitepoint or Digitalpoint marketplace. Text-Link-Ads - Can offer static html links that can drive targeted traffic and help your link popularity which is a top factor in organic search engine rankings. Billing is recurring, so once you have bought a link, your link will remain on the website till you cancel your payments. They also offer a custom proposal, if you have a higher budget they will find you related website’s and give you a package deal. Once setup all these advertising techniques will be on autopilot!
Autopilot Website’s
The best Autopilot website’s need to be updated regularly. Your probably thinking if i have to update them regularly how is it on autopilot! Because your visitors will do the updating and adding new content to your website. Review Website’s - Your visitors review products and leave reviews, content is up to date and created by the visitor. Great chance to do affiliate marketing related to the product category, for example, for all products related to web design, offer affiliate products which will help you learn web design. Blogging - It only takes a few minutes to setup a blog, but running it takes a life time. To avoid ever updating or adding content to your blog you can look for FREE paid posters who want to talk about your blog topic (Celebs, Football, TV etc). Vipglamour are a great example of a blog bringing in a passive income, the owner of the site never touch’s it but every day there’s a new blog posts and 10,000’s of people reading it.Comments
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