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Tellman Knudson, Run Tellman Run | Internet Marketer Gives Back

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Run Tellman Run

This is a special SHOUT OUT for a remarkable Internet Marketer and Friend of WebMakeMoney.com – Tellman Knudson

Some of you may remember, Tellman did an Interview and video for WebMakeMoney.com a little while back which you can find at: Tellman Knudson Interview

Anyway, today — the 9th Day of the 9th Month, 2009 Tellman is about to do a run right across America – BAREFOOT — with the aim of raising 100 million dollars to irradicate Teenage Homelessness in the name of Sir Richard Bransons Charity – Virgin Unite!

Below is a video of Sir Richard Branson and Tellman Knudson on Necker Island discussing the trip:

Check out Tellman’s website for the Run at Run Tellman Run

And of course, I encourage you to Donate – small amounts, large amounts — all gratefully received for this worthwhile cause. As a Young Entrepreneur I am especially motivated to help the Teenage Homeless — indeed my experience is that many of these teenage homeless are entrepreneurs or wannabe entrepreneurs and that is just one of the reasons I shall be Donating today.

Here are some facts about Teenage Homelessness in the USA

* The current economic crisis has brought a new level of urgency to the issue of youth homelessness.

* Recent reports suggest an alarming rise in numbers with estimates of over 2 million homeless youth in the United States annually and a 25% increase in students identified as homeless (National Alliance to End Youth Homelessness, 2009; Duffield & Lovell, 2008).

* Although the prevalence of youth homelessness is difficult to measure, researchers estimate that about 5 to 7.7 percent of youth experience homelessness each year.

* 1 out of every 3 homeless people are under the age of 18.

* The majority of homeless and runaway youth are between the ages of 15 and 17, however three out of 100 runaways are under the age of 10, and 11 out of 100 are between the ages of 11 and 13.

For a more up to-date video check out this feature from ABC TV

To Make a Donation Click Here

You know when I see what Tellman is doing and people like Sir Richard Branson are doing I am incredibly moved. It inspires me to do more to help others and make this world a better place for all.

Right now I am considering some options on how I can personally become more involved in charity and giving back and I would love to hear from you if you supported Tellman Knudson on his run OR if you have any ideas for how we as Young Entrepreneurs can help the disadvantaged.

very best wishes


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  1. Aluminum Briefcase says:

    What a great cause. Homeless teenagers usually come from very difficult backgrounds. They often have little choice but to run from their problems. These kinds of people need help before life on the streets ruins their future and their dreams.

  2. pays to live green says:

    Applauds to Tellman. Homelessness has become ramped in our country because of the tough times. Children should be given a chance to make a name for themselves and not have to deal with not knowing if they have a hot meal or place to sleep for the night.

  3. It happen cause of lack education or support from their parent..

  4. That’s an awesome shout out from Sir Richard Branson. What Tellman is doing is very inpsiring, run Tellman run!

    Till then,


  5. Wow, impressive & inspiring! Best of luck to Tellman.

  6. Chris Peterson says:

    It’s appreciable effort & commitment on part of Tellman. It’s kinda stuff it takes to change the world & he would. We are all with you on sch an important cause.

  7. Idiot Proof Diet says:

    Tellman is doing a noble task… It always give good vibes to hear something encouraging like this… I will surely donate the share as much as my pocket will allow me. Your effort is also appreciated… thanks for introducing it.

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  10. ATV for Sale says:

    This is an inspirational story. It is nice to hear a successful person giving back to charity. He must’ve had to really callous his feet up to be able to handle this.

  11. Very moving story. A lesson to everyone who CAN help, SHOULD help. To all those people, Well-done.

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