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Simple Anatomy of A Good Website

By:     Topics: Blog,Blogging

Your website has to succeed on many levels to pull a visitor or prospect into your marketing agenda.

Without adequate initial curb appeals, your web site does not have a chance to strongly establish itself in visitor’s thoughts. Without strong content, visitors do not have a better reason to stay on your web site long enough to determine what you have to offer.

With the lack of reasons to return, visitors might never build enough interest to visit your site regularly.

Catching the Viewer’s Attention

There are only five seconds – that is right – five seconds to make a lasting first impression. That is not enough time for a web site visitor to read your content and understand your idea.

It is only enough for their emotion-based brains and perceptions to react to layout, design, color, navigation (perhaps), and maybe a headline. If you have not caught people attention by then, they are gone quickly, probably never to return again.

Smart web design may try to catch visitor’s attention with rotating images and catchy slogans.

Fonts, activities, images, everything on the web site must appeal to the target visitor you are trying to reach out. You should not put pastels on a site targeted for teenagers or vivid colors on a web site selling pet ashes urns.

A high-tech web site in black and silver has a very different feel and look than one selling country interior decoration with duckies and gingham. A site selling high-priced products needs lots of empty (white) space to look spacious and rich; a discount web site does well with crowded pictures.

That is why I advise finding a web designer who understands about marketing communications.

Understanding Stickiness

Stickiness is a technical jargon for keeping visitors on a Website. If the average viewers go to fewer than a couple of pages of your web site or stay no more than thirty seconds, most of them read only your home page and flee!

Generally, you want the average site visitor to stay with the site for at least three pages and a minimum of a few minutes. Otherwise these visitors have not spent enough time to find out what you have to offer.

You need to lay down a sticky trail with an impressive content, calls to action, interactions with site elements, things to do and media to download. Every click they make, every action visitors take, binds them kinesthetically to a web site.

Bringing Visitors Back for More

Studies reveal that many people do not buy on the early visits to a web site. Some use the Web only for research before deciding on a purchase in a real life store. Others research many sites for comparison shopping and return only if they decide to buy. You can offer visitors many reasons to return, from great articles, great prices to attractive contest.

All in all, the rule remains the same – you’ve only got five seconds to make a lasting first impression.

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  1. Internet Marketing Mastermind says:

    Great Post.

    The most important aspect of blogging is
    in fact gaining subscriptions and you only
    can do so if people actually want to come back.

    Great insights,thanks!


  2. Lindsay McIntyre says:

    You’re absolutely right.. image is important online and sometimes the first few seconds can make all the difference. It’s very important to have important items in the visitor’s eyeline, so that they can see things easily. I know myself, that if I don’t see anything interesting straight away, I’ll simply leave the website and probably not return

  3. pays to live green says:

    The first impression for everything in life is always key. Just as you say in the post, making sure to impress people out of the gate is essential to having a successful website.

  4. Keller Hawthorne says:

    I love this topic! As a web designer and fellow online marketer, I’ve faced the concept of a well designed website many times.

    Bloggers have it WAY easy these days, since there’s an abundance of beautiful, well designed WordPress themes available. The problem then isn’t with the design, but often the formatting of blog posts.

    I’ve noticed many bloggers write as if they’re still in school. You know – long, essay-type posts with huge paragraphs and no formatting. Bloggers must remember their content is their money-maker. If people aren’t willing to take the time to read through entire posts, they probably won’t stay long on the blog or subscribe to the RSS.

    Here are a few formatting tips I like to remember:

    1. Keep paragraphs short (3-5 sentences max).
    2. Bold and underline sparingly – make sure this action performs its job effectively by making certain words or actions stand out. Too much or not enough and nothing stands out.
    3. Use images! Give your readers a visual.
    4. Use subheadings to break up content.

  5. Floor Tiles-Wall Tiles says:

    Just update your blog with the fresh content give you a loyal reader and keep increase you blog traffic.

  6. brandon alan scofield says:

    I add my own tips , simple layout minimising layout maximising picture on body post do oyu agree

  7. Wyjazdy Studenckie says:

    Good architecture of any new (and old) website is as important as any future web marketing activities. If the site is not prepared for getting high on a search engine results ladder it will never get high. In that case no one will know anything about the site and hours (days, weeks) of hard work will become wasted.

  8. Phil Hogan says:

    FOr me, there’s only two things we must understand in making a good site: Catchy looks and contents. Sometimes, I get turn off and leave the site if it doesn’t fancy my eyes. Content is the other half. Even with good looks, if there’s no content, it’s a big no-no. It works hand in hand.

  9. hello

    would the addition of a news widget (BBC CNN) help with “fresh content”?Thank you

  10. Chris Peterson says:

    It’s kinda 3 step program. But any blogger can pick them up find out how to apply them in respective niche & have a great possibilities. It’s really appreciable way of making it something of foundation foe bloggers.

  11. Paula from Affiliate Blog Online says:

    I definitely agree with keeping paragraphs short and using subheadings. For some reason, breaking up content this way keeps the reader interested. Bullet points are also an excellent tool.

  12. You have just given me a great idea to decrease my bounce rate. The sticky trail. I have a large amount of text on my front page and I think people read half of it and then go. I am going to link the keywords to section of the website. Doing it now. Fingers crossed. I will definitely be back whether it works or not. Thanks for the tip.

  13. Name (required) says:

    I really enjoyed this post. The info you shared is right on.

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