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How I Created WebMakeMoney | The Blog That Made Me Famous

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The Insider Story On How I Created My Most Successful Blog

It seems like only yesterday but it was back in 2006 that I came up with the idea for WebMakeMoney.com. I was at Yanik Silver’s UK Underground Seminar, and I was just networking and discussing ideas with some other entrepreneurs at the event. I was aged 17 at the time and someone asked me if my friends were doing online marketing or if it was just me. I explained it was just me and that it was hard to find anyone young to network and share ideas with. About 20 minutes later with that ‘someone’ and several others we brainstormed the idea that was to become WebMakeMoney.com. I could hardly wait to leave the seminar and get started on my idea. (Indeed as I didn’t have a credit card at the time I had my father register the domain name there and then). The concept of WebMakeMoney.com – A Young Entrepreneurs website was 100% me, but it came out of that initial conversation I had with someone (a guy) – whom I have not spoken to since and whose name I don’t even know.

Lesson Learned:
Several Lessons actually — the main one of course being the power of the ‘mastermind’ and networking and attending events like The Underground Online Seminar but also the RIPPLE effect of that ‘someone’ asking me a question and how that question inspired me which in turn resulted in 1000’s of other young people being inspired to take action because of WebMakeMoney.com. Quite a Ripple Effect I think you will agree.

Since launching back in December 2016, millions of people have visited the site and have been inspired to make money online. I have heard from several top Clickbank vendors and affiliates that told me that WebMakeMoney.com was where it all started. (Ripple Effect again!) Right now you have the opportunity to do something really big, even if your goal isn’t to become rich, you can connect with and effect a lot of people.

PLEASE NOTE: Any website or service I talk about in this blog post, I have used and tested first, I’m not promoting them just to make money.

How I Created the 2011 Version of WebMakeMoney

To save you tens of thousands of dollars and probably a thousand hours of hard work, I will skip all my failures and take you to exactly how we built the new WebMakeMoney site and how you can do it yourself for a lot, lot cheaper.

Firstly, before you do any website, you need to register a domain name which is basically the name of your website, for example Google.com is a domain name. Whenever possible I like to ‘explain’ what the site is about in the domain name. In the case of WebMakeMoney.com the goal was to achieve financial freedom by aged 21, and my choice of domain explained that perfectly. Registering it is simple, go to GoDaddy.com and follow the instructions, make sure to grab a .com domain as they are by far the most brand-able and easy to remember. Once you have you domain you need to host it on the internet, once again this is a simple task, visit HostGator and pick the cheapest hosting account which is Hatchling, this will cost you $4.95 a month which is a very small price to pay considering I pay over $500 a month to keep my blog network online. Use the coupon code WebMakeMoney to get your first month for 1cent. Now you need to connect the two together and then install WordPress, here is a good (and short) video showing you how to install WordPress in 60 seconds.

Once you have WordPress installed, you want to choose a design/theme to fit your site niche, I personally use ThemeForest for my blog themes because it gives me a better result then if I was to hire someone to build the site for you. This blog uses the Headline theme and when I started IncomeDiary, for the first year I used the BusyBee theme, these are the two themes I personally believe to be, by far the best out of the ThemeForest collection. Buy and download your favourite theme, login to your WordPress Admin and click Appearance on the left side, followed by Themes then Install Themes at the top then upload. Find your theme on your computer and then click Install Now. Once the theme is installed all you need to do is click Active and your blog will now look like the theme you purchased.

Each theme you buy from ThemeForest, you get to take advantage of their simple framework which makes it easy for people like you and I to build great sites. Features include, simple uploading system for advertising banners or Google Adsense, design options (over 10 different colors for each theme) and over 100 other great things.

In this screen shot you can see me adding advertising banners to my sidebar with the click of a button, no additional software required.

In this screen shot you can see me adding advertising banners to my sidebar with the click of a button, no additional software required.

The next thing you want to do is install WordPress Plugins to make your blog run better, plugins can do 1000’s of different things so depending on your site and your goals for it, you may want to use different ones. Here’s a list of the ones I’m currently using on WebMakeMoney:

  • Popup Domination – a plugin developed by myself to allow me to add lightbox popups to collect email addresses (email marketing makes me the most money). Since launching this plugin over 5000 people have purchased it.
  • Gravity Forms – this plugin allows you to add contact forms to your website, I have three, one on my contact page, one on a order page (great if your selling a server or consulting) and then one on my contest page.
  • Broken Link Checker – this helps me a lot with my No Leakage Rule, if links are broken, then you either want to edit them so that they work or remove them because that site no longer exists. If people click them, realize they don’t work, it wastes there time and they may end up leaving your site.
  • PS Auto Sitemap – when you begin to create more and more pages and posts on your blog, it’s import that search engines can navigate through them all, this plugin creates a sitemap page where every single page on your site is linked to, I link to this page on the footer of every page so that Google can find it.
  • OptimizePress – probably my favourite WordPress theme/plugin right now, you can create squeeze pages, sales pages and membership sites. By far the best money I spent in 2010! You can see a review of OptimizePress here.
  • Efficient Related Posts – another cool plugin, if you go to the bottom of this post you will see related posts, this was produced using this plugin. Making it easy for users to find related content, means readers will visit more pages and make you more money.

I don’t use that many plugins, I only recommend using the ones you really need, the more you have, the slower your site will run. If your looking for more WordPress Plugin suggestions, check out this post.

Creating Content for WebMakeMoney

Now it is time to start publishing content on your website, it’s kind of like Microsoft Word & Facebook, you type what text you want and click Publish. No one will come to your website without content, the day I launched WebMakeMoney I had over 4000 people visit the site and for the past two years although I haven’t published much new content, I still get over 1000 visitors each and every day. Here’s the three types of blog content that will bring you the most traffic, take the least amount of time but make you the most amount of money!

Top Lists

When I started publishing top lists 4 years ago, not many people were doing it and those who were, did it completely wrong. One of my first top lists was called The Young Entrepreneur Rich List and was published on Digg.com. I sometimes say this one list made me “Famous” online – certainly my online profile went up considerably after that list and the mentions I had all over the Web and I even ended up getting interviewed by a Brazilian Newspaper.

Here are the benefits of Top Lists:

  • It’s simply research because of this, you can outsource this type of content writing.
  • Easily scan able so people don’t have to take all day reading something.
  • Extremely motivating, when people see my top lists, it makes them think “YES, I can do it”.

Here’s some examples of top lists so you can try it out for yourself:

  • Top 30 Richest Young Entrepreneurs, (try: 30 Richest Female Athletes)
  • 30 Most Influential Young Entrepreneurs, (try: 30 Most Influential Football Stars)
  • 20 Reasons Why Your Website Is Crap, (try: 20 Reasons Why Your Restaurant Isn’t Making Money)
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Young Entrepreneur (try: 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be Tall)

Recently when starting a New Blog about things to do before you die, I simply did 10 top lists in a row, it already gets over 1000 visitors a day, this stuff works, try it, I make nothing for telling you that, I just want you to succeed.

Conduct Interviews

I started doing interviews big time when I was 19 and I had just got out hospital (Long story – I spent 1 week in hospital in Ghana followed by a further week in England). I had nothing I could do but sit in bed for a month, I decided to look at the top 1000 websites as well as all the big sites I visited often and ask them for an interview. Around 40% of people would say yes to doing an interview (remember every NO you get means you are one closer to a YES) and so I would simply write some questions and email them over to the owners of these top ranked websites. I remember when I got my first big time interview with a top 1000 website, I was so excited and rang my dad, I rang him 5 times more that day with updates on even bigger website founders who said yes to doing an interview.

Publish Guides and Tutorials

My very first high traffic blog was about website design and coding because that was what I was learning at the time (Mind you I never got very good at it and in the end preferred to pay other people to do it for me). I would also pay people to write articles about how to do stuff, such as “How To Code a Contact Form” and then publish it on my blog. I would then go ahead and submit to website directory’s and at the time it was really easy to drive traffic from those types of site, in literally a week I went from 0 visitors a day to over 3000. The best thing about writing tutorials and guides is that they are great at making money, look at this post for example, I teach you a lot of great stuff and in return if you take action you buy some stuff through my affiliate links.

Making Money From WebMakeMoney

I have tried a lot of different things when monetizing WebMakeMoney, for your benefit, I will break them down for you:

  • Google Adsense – this is where I started, the site before WebMakeMoney was earning $50 a day from Adsense but because this site was a different concept it no longer worked and did not make much money so I quickly dropped it and tried something else.
  • Banner Advertising – I have a love/hate relationship with banner advertising, benefits are it’s easy to bring in a chunk of money but in return for that money you have to spend your time working with advertisers and constantly need to be looking for more. Another thing which annoyed me was if I doubled my traffic from the previous month, I wouldn’t make any extra money because I had set my rate for advertising and couldn’t change it.
  • Affiliate Marketing – something I would highly recommend because your earning potential is unlimited. How it works is simple: You promote other peoples products and if you sell any, you receive a commission for each sale, usually 50%. Pick the right product and you can make a lot of money.
  • Email Marketing Email Marketing goes really well with affiliate marketing because you build a highly targeted list of followers and then email those followers promotions. Another benefit is you can use you list to promote pages on your site and earn money from other monetizing such as Google Adsense and Banner Advertising.

So what should you do? To be honest, a bit of everything goes well, it’s very important to diversify your income so that you don’t keep all your eggs in the same basket. When you start you will find it almost impossible to sell advertising because you haven’t received much traffic yet and have little to no social proof that says “this guy or girl is worth investing in”. I highly recommend you place affiliate ads on your site to begin, this way you will earn only if the product owner earns, it’s a very fair system. Depending on what your niche is and what type of products you want to promote, your next steps are different, I recommend you read this post on Affiliate Marketing.

Going From Small To BIG With Blogging

A lot of people will only want to make a small amount of money, perhaps a few hundred or a thousand dollars a month, which is a great initial goal. But believe me, when you reach that goal, your soon find yourself wanting more and more – and not always because of the money but because the entrepreneur inside you wants it.

In my mind there is very little additional effort in making a HUGE site compared to making a SMALL site. The basics are all the same – it is only the application that is different. Here are my 7 Top Rules for creating big sites:

  1. Model Yourself on Someone Else! This is simple, find a mentor or someone you like that is doing things big and copy them (to some extent at least). I find a lot of people are copying people when they shouldn’t because they are copying things that don’t work.
  2. Stand Out From The Crowd! This is easy, just follow my content strategy, most people will focus on small quick blog posts daily, sometimes many times a day. Focus on 1 or 2 great posts a week, this will make you stand out, once you make enough money, hire someone to help you write 1 a day.
  3. Invest In Yourself! Most people can’t do this until they are earning some money from there site, that’s fine, I was the same. Once you make enough money, hire a designer and get a custom site designed, this will make you stand out and allow you to customize things better so people stay on your site longer, rank better in search engines and of course make you more money.
  4. Get Networking! In a 5 minute conversation you will very often think of a new idea or be told something new that will help you a lot. Take time to talk to your competition, friends and other online marketers.
  5. Build a MASSIVE List! If you have a big email list or Facebook following, that means every time you have no content or something to offer, you can tell them and they can come back to your site, time after time. One of the most important and easiest ways to get traffic is to make sure the traffic you already had keeps coming back. I have people who have been following me since the beginning, appreciate them!
  6. Always Be Trying Something New! I never stop, I always want to change something and improve something. I often call this bullet proofing, making sure my site is so perfect that nothing isn’t at it’s top performance. Put yourself in the mind of your reader, what would they want to see here, what products would they like to buy, why haven’t I visit this page, etc…
  7. Never Think Your Better Then Anyone Else! This is something I’ve always believe, the second you think you are the best and become arrogant is also the time you stop learning. Everyone is a ‘teacher’ – even less successful people than you (even if if is only to teach you what not to do). I’ve told people often you should change this, add this, try that and so and they never listened, why? Because I’m 21 and they think they are better then me. I speak to friends, some who aren’t even that big with their online projects (yet) every week because I know I can learn them all.

Today I have tried to in as simple a fashion as possible explain what went into making WebMakeMoney.com a success – times and strategies do change but much of what I detailed here still works brilliantly (Top Lists, Interviews, Guides etc). Indeed I am very confident that if you follow a similar strategy even as we enter 2011 then you can achieve similar levels of success – even more success. One of my motto’s in life is to always be learning – you even learn from failure. You can even do BLOG POSTS on your failures and experiences as I have done here.

This morning my father shared with me a quote from a friend of his – John Carter – Frankly I think it pretty well sums up my own beliefs about trying something new:

As you head into 2011, just remember to take that risk. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will be wise

Wishing You Huge Success and Happiness in 2011


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  1. wasim ismail says:

    Some great tips here for anyone looking to setup an online business, especially the point “Always Be Trying Something New” as if you go out of your comfort zone and try something new, you will tend to get a more response and results, and overall you will build your self development too.

    • john online!! says:

      Always trying something new eh
      Well i am all pretty new to this and finding loads of good quality help and direction from younger people
      so keep coming with tips and help Michael

      I have bookmarked you so await more info

    • The Property Brain says:

      I often wonder how people market their new websites… i mean, i have lots of good website ideas, but then getting people to look at the website or find it is another thing…. so many people already have websites for specific topics and cover the keywords I’m targeting my SEO on… some of the big players are hard to knock from their pirch even if my website is better – because their seo is better or because they are already famous…. the question is, how do you market a new concept and build readership? some good advice on this blog – thanks and keep it coming :)

  2. Trent Brownrigg says:

    Great information Michael. This blog is definitely an inspiration to many people. I wish I had started something like this when I was 17.

    • Ways-2-Make-Money-Online says:

      “Its better late than never”, though evryone cant be him.We can atleast make a try. I believe.

  3. Rakesh Kumar says:

    Very inspirational Article! I learned lots of things for your thoughts. Thanks

  4. wow, Michael thanks for sharing your story, i have learned a lot from it :)

  5. First of all Happy New year to all fans of WebMakeMoney….. Thanks for sharing your story…that’s really an inspiring story for me……..usually stories of Successful bloggers are full of inspiration for new bloggers……..they can learn alot of things from seniors…..

  6. RinatisDinoro@SmartAboutThings says:

    What amazes me the most is the professional view of your website and your approach to what you are doing. there are so many superficial bloggers and you are not one of them for sure!

    kudos for that.

    • I would have to agree here.
      The quality is superb and a lot of thought goes into the content.
      It is one thing to fire up just any content and another to provide content that is well worth the read and insightful.
      Definitely a benchmark.

  7. Awesome post Micheal! “never think you are better than anyone” Nice one bro. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Michael, as always, you deliver great content. This post was especially timely and the content here is beneficial. Never thought of doing lists before…thx! I’m going to borrow your Dad’s friend’s quote (I will give credit), he certainly summed it up wisely. Thank you & Happy New Year! Ciao

  9. Ian McConnell says:

    Great post Michael… And that quote is so true… It just takes persistence and some patience. And one day you will wonder where all that money was hiding before.

    Ian McConnell
    Western Australia

  10. Hi Michael Dunlop, I always enjoyed reading stories of successful people. Therefore, when I received your email telling that you write an article about how you create Ritireat21, I immediately opened and read it. Your story is very interesting, and I always make stories of success as a reference and motivation to me. I want to follow everything that is good, especially from successful people like you.

  11. Chaa Creek says:

    This is inspiring Michael! Thanks for sharing…

  12. Duncan Brodie says:

    Fantastic blog post as always Michael. As usual you have provided a ton of content and insights to get people off to a flying start.

    Keep up the great work in 2011.

    Duncan Brodie

  13. Allen Tapp says:

    Thanks Michael! I’m new to this and definitely appreciate your best practices.

  14. Chris Chong says:

    What do you do to promote your sites once you have a good looking site with good content? Do people just find it somehow on Google?

    • webmaster says:

      Great content get’s shared everywhere, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Magazines, Newspapers, Other Blogs etc…

      Focus on Content first.

  15. EDdys VElasquez says:

    Great post Michael!!

    It really motivated me and I want to start doing the top lists…I’m going to do 10 in a row just like you said to bring my traffic up…

    My question is…

    -Where did you get the lists outsourced and at what prices can you expect this to be done for…(obviously depending on size of top list) but I’m looking for an average you paid…

    Thanks again!

    Your friend,
    Eddys Velasquez

  16. andreas kramers says:

    Great Inspiration to all aspiring bloggers including me. The hardest part is finding a topic to write killer content on. My solution: do proper research and choose an angle on the topic. This may take time and a lot of work, but it’s well worth it if you get 100’s of visitors a day.
    Happy new year to all!

  17. nice post. I realize that you took out the dates of your posts….what is your reason for that?

    • webmaster says:

      Hey Remco,

      Sometimes people don’t take posts seriously if they know it was posted years ago, I’m the same. This way people don’t know if it’s old or new.


  18. Hey Michael, your first top rule for creating big sites is to model other people but when you see people modeling you, you complain that people are stealing your ideas…Am I missing something?

  19. Philip Geneman says:

    great tips Michael

  20. Hi,

    Love the detail that you have put into the post. It just blows my mind that you where able to get 3000 hits in just over a week.

    I am still struggling with 100 and my blog hase been up for about 5 months.


  21. Great advice Michael. It can be tough trying to find you niche and networking can be a daunting task! In fact the whole process can get overwhelming if you don’t break it down and take it one step at a time. Yours is a great site to use as a model, thanks for making it that bit easier.

  22. Came across your sites very recently. Apart from all practical tips, the most interesting part is – your blogs reveal your inner personality. Happiness & ‘success’ are the byproducts of wisdom and you seem to be wise beyond your physical age. Best wishes for all the good things in life!

  23. thanks a lot it is really helpful, i constantly follow your blog as i am new to it and it provides me good inputs on what i can do more with my blog. Wish u a very happy new year…..

  24. Zooboxs.com says:

    This is awesome stuff man..I love going to your site always inspiring and motivating!

    Louie :)

  25. You’ve created such a professional and amazing website connecting people together. I love your attitude towards your blog, it’s what got me interested here in the first place 😉

  26. metal pig says:

    Thanks for the above-detailed info Michael, very inspiring! :)

  27. webgenius says:

    Thanks Michael, that would help me a lot for setting up my goal.

  28. Theodore De Dumas says:

    Very interesting story. Can you go into how you had that many readers at the start?

  29. I am going to challenge myself to do 10 TOP articles in a row. I think most people gravitate towards TOP articles because they look appealing and because they are broken down into bit-sized pieces. Great article by the way.

  30. Will you stick with Woo Themes for 2011? Lot’s of bloggers use custom themes.

  31. This an awesome post and for me, I have learned one thing, find a success and model after them! thats simply the word for me and for this year 2011, that is my approach, I am grateful for the post, thank and hoping to be able to follow through and maybe one day, I would able to ask to interview you, thanks!

  32. Prizebladetim says:

    I really enjoyed this article, I agree that networking and coming up with new ideas is a great tool :)

  33. perry belcher says:

    Agree to that! Networking is a great tool. When you start networking, people start to contact you and you can promote your business well.

  34. Andy Medlam says:

    Great piece of content Michael. I’ve taken loads of info from your post that will help me in more ways than one… Cheers Buddy :-)

  35. John McNally@Blogging for Pleasure and Profit says:

    Very inspiring Michael, congratulations on getting near your retirement goal, though I doubt you will give this up, you seem to enjoy it too much.

    I’m much nearer ‘official’ retirement than you, but I’m also enjoying myself. Retirment to me means blogging regularly.

    Blogging in Leamington Spa, England

  36. Mightee says:

    nice tips mate!
    btw i saw a WebMakeMoney hostgator coupon code
    you will surely going to make a few bucks out of that 😀
    evil thinking 😀

  37. props man! i’m a first time reader and this is a great list – and great starter for anyone new to blogging and building websites.

    wish I could / would have started blogging and niche site building at such a young age. i’ve got you by a few years, but i’m still a young blogger at heart! :)

    keep up the good work.

  38. Jacqueline Boss says:

    I’ve been reading posts like this for months straight but this is my new favorite. I’ll be on your site more often. I just wrote a post on a similar topic today- I’m trying to motivate people to take actions toward creating a blog today so that they can quit their jobs to live their dreams. Heres one of my posts on that topic: Passive Income Blogging for Beginners

  39. Very great blog this one really hits home. I was grateful to catch this post nice work.

  40. MBGTprez says:

    This is just what I was looking for. I am already telling people about this post. Keep on keeping on

  41. i dont have anyweb and i dont know why i am here.. but after reading your blog it really motivates me to get into this bussinness as i dont know nothing about it…..thanks man.. great blog… maybe i will in the future

  42. Eric Mojstrovich says:

    I followed your advice Michael, well to the best of my ability and what my budget would allow. My site is up and running and if everyone could than…

    Hopefully you all take the time to browse through it and check out the Top 50 list I posted :) it would do me a huge favor if everyone started to spread the word about my webpage and help drive traffic to it! It’s simple as copy pasting http://kleek.ca/http:/kleek.ca/top50appdevelopers_iphone-ipod/

    Eric Mojstrovich

  43. Thanks for this article, it’s really interesting moreover it gives inspiration to do much more. thank you and wish you much more $$.

  44. H.B. Augustine says:

    Dear Michael,

    I’m wondering if you could check out a Business Plan that has been personally endorsed by a mentor of both President Clinton and Dr. Deepak Chopra…I would love to send the document your way and see if it gets you anywhere near as excited for life as I feel right now… :)

    Please email me back. It will be WORTH it.


  45. Michael,

    Great stuff. Here is my question. I have 2 products, I am an affiliate marketer, a network marketer and have some good income streams going. I am trying to capitalize on my growth by IMPROVING my blog – it flat out sucks! I am branding myself. I have a hosting account, woothemes account, products, aweber, and more. I am so close.

    But I have spent several thousands of dollars on design an NOBODY can deliver. It is similar to the changes you made to your brothers blog (simple but effective).

    How can I get a designer that is compitent with woothemes, headers, banners, ect, and understands the visual parts of Read more buttons, spacing, and picture borders.?

    Please help.

    [email protected]

  46. Jonathan G. Nelson says:


    Your advice has proved invaluable.

    Over the past 6 months I have gone from an internet blog start-up to running three websites which are very successful. The one thing that I keep telling people who ask me for advice is to never give up and never stop working towards your goal. I put a lot of time and energy into my websites and I know that is one of the main reasons they are successful. Of course you can work hard in the wrong direction, but that’s part of what I teach on my newest site JGNweb.com- ways to make money and then make that money work for you.

    I just wanted to say thank you again for getting me started. You made money off the affiliate sales when I started my business and I am glad. You do a great job educating others and many will start successful businesses thanks to you.


    -Jonathan G. Nelson

  47. Chandy Morgan says:

    Hi Michael,
    You are giving away some huge step by step points here bro. Awesome work and keep it coming!
    Because of your never ending desire to help others, you will do great and will always be successfully in life.

  48. Reading your post and browsing your site inspired me to find a Woo theme and did so today. I’ve converted my social blogging / web design site over to the new theme. I’ll also be including interviews w/social media and entrepreneurial types on it. My blog is at http://blog.beethomas.com. Also love your idea of interviews. I’ve been successful with that on another of my sites I began a couple years ago.

    I’ll definitely be in touch. You’d be a great interview subject. I know I can find some other ?’s to ask beside those you’ve already answered here.

    Love this post. Quite inspiring.

  49. Nicole Couloute says:

    Hi Michael,

    These are great tips! I started my new website Multi-Millionaire Before 30. Please check out and let me know what you think.


  50. Hey Michael,

    It seems that the road was quite long for you before you reached this stage. I think everyone should read this guide to have a rough idea on how you make money online.

  51. There are some great tips for those who starting to make money online. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  52. Salman @ Tech Blog says:

    Great tips shared… Loved reading the inspirational story of yours :)

  53. Hi my name is zoe. i would like to thank you because you have inspired me to carry on when it gets tough!! and you have giving me lots of ideas to go on.

    If you could reply to me… i just have one question, how long did it take for you to be makeing $100 a day??

    Thanks if you relpy because i know you are busy and thanks for making that site!!


  54. Beverly Gill says:

    That’s Mike!
    Your website and arrival is a God sent blessing! This should be shared with everyone who have unemployed looking for jobs as an alternative to the cookie cutter 9 to 5 job!

  55. amol hirkane says:

    Hey this tips was amazing…
    I was searching for new ideas for website making and money making online.This information inspired me lot
    thank u…….

  56. thank you for sharing your story. nice to get info from somebody thats making it happen already

  57. wow Michael this is really amazing really taught me a lot.

  58. Abhinav Kaushik says:

    You Inspired me I am Making website and getting it soon published.

  59. M sunil kumar says:

    Really interesting article..!! Im very much inspired on reading.
    Hats off to Michael…A standing applause..:)

  60. John Parker says:

    It seems the business of offering advice on how to make money online easily dwarfs the number of people actually having a business online, it’s a shame everyone want to go straight to the end where they do very little work and the money keeps rolling in, there is only one solution to success and that is hard work, follow the advice that ichael gives on this site and apply it – and keep at it – It is so hard in this game to pack it in as building a businees online or offline takes time, dedication, a little luck and above all hard work.
    Love the list idea and i have adopted it!

  61. Michael Davies says:

    Hi Michael I was ready to turn in my cards but reading your post and seeing some of what i was doing was wrong. You have inspired me to try other options and to check what Ive done and see if i can get it to take off in the right direction. have bookmarked your blog so i can return to read and continue to follow you and some of your ideas. No and i don’t have a problem listening to some one younger.

  62. Sugeng Bralink says:

    Thanks Mike!
    Your website is so Great!
    I am really enjoy your website contents.
    Thanks for sharing to the world!

  63. Your awesome thanks for all the tips and advice! very much appreciated :)

  64. PauL-mICHAEL sTEPHEN says:

    It’s great knowing that a young dude like myself, can be involved in something so great. keep it up and God bless you for sharing your story, it’s only great men that do that

  65. Hey Mike, great article man…it’s required reading for anyone wanting to start a blog!

  66. thanks for these great tips and inspiration. Reading your articles has compelled me to start my own blog (williamzfola.wordpress.com). Tho its pretty boring, i hope to give it more life with your strategies. Thanks very much!

  67. Don’t get your domain from GoDaddy if you’re going to be hosted on Hostgator. That just makes it harder to set up. Get your domain name and website both from Hostgator and your setup will be a snap. Otherwise you’ll have to re-route your domain to Hostgator, which is an additional step.

  68. H Mike,

    Great article, Inspire me a lot. Im trying to work on affiliation program.

  69. Jan Coetzee says:

    Thanks Michael,
    I am a newbie to the online marketplace. The information you have shared will certainly put me on the road towards building an online business. Thank you for sharing all your learnings and insight.
    God Bless!!

  70. This is the no-bull$h!t article on how to create a profitable website I have been looking for before I was born. Thank you.

  71. Morgan Tanaka says:

    Well. That just about says it all. Thanks so much. Nearly 60 and still learning. There’s hope yet eh! I’m off to read all of your blog posts cobba. If your’e in Australia anytime, look me up. Would love to have a face to face chinwag. Good onya bloke.

  72. Karan Singh says:

    Great work Dude…It’s awesome and inspiring your story to riches….It’s all over my mind now…thanks dude…God bless..:)..

  73. If you lose, you will be wise. That is the best word from you man.

    You rock!

  74. Veronica Belvin says:

    Great job Michael. It is just completely amazing all the opportunities available to create unlimited amounts of passive income online. Your are such an inspiration for us all. To your continued success creating, building and growing together.

  75. Terry Tiessen says:

    Great content and an easy to follow blogging profitably blueprint. I have paid for blogging e-books and products with less good ideas. Thank you.

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