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Adam Horwitz – How I Got Started Online

By:     Topics: Blog,Blogging

Hi Everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I did a post at my IncomeDiary.com website titled: The True Story Of My Overnight Success

Partly confessional and partly inspirational the post got a lot of good responses. You see a lot of people seem to think that successful people ALWAYS were successful or they are in someway different from everyone else, yet I have discovered that just about every successful Internet Marketer was unsuccessful first. Most of us made a few false starts before we hit the Big Time. I know I did 😉

Likewise today’s featured Young Entrepreneur, Adam Horwitz had a few interesting starts before finding something that really would make him money.

At age 18, Adam is one of the brightest young entrepreneurs I know and it was my pleasure to interview him for IncomeDiary.com recently. You can see Adams interview including podcast here

I think the secret that Adam and so many successful entrepreneurs have is that they just keep trying – they never give up and therefore eventually the do succeed.

Ben Franklin made a great quote which I admire:

To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions

That is something I try to remember.

Below is a short video from Adam explaining how he got started online.

http://www.tycooncashflow.com (Watch the Introduction Video – look how Adam connects with people, builds rapport)


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  1. Pacquiaio vs Clottey says:

    Hey Adam, I admire you! I hope someday my own boxing site will give me enough money to help my family in this struggling economic times.

  2. Marketing Man says:

    I’ve never heard of Adam or his websites, but thank you very much for the introduction. I’m heading off to go check his offerings out now! Have a great week all! Cheers!

  3. pays to live green says:

    You are very correct. Being persistent is key to becoming successful in anything. Why so many fail is that they give up to quickly.

  4. I’ve never heard of Adam or his websites, but thank you very much for the introduction.Being persistent is key to becoming successful in anything

  5. You are very correct. Being persistent is key to becoming successful in anything. Being persistent is key to becoming successful in anything

  6. xtdenet says:

    How do I get my business started online?
    I have my own business and I want to expand it online but I have no idea what half the crap I am needing means or what it dose. Might as well talk German to me because I’m not understanding, I know I need a web template but how do I get a domain name , or a host? I’m not even sure what those are. There’s a bunch of things I’m sure I need I just don’t know or understand them. Please Help me!!!

  7. ubergiant says:

    I have a problem though: I jump too much at opportunities so my mind goes all over the place. I need to jump to conclusions faster and get things completed!

  8. Matthew Needham : The Big Red Tomato Company says:

    Hi Adam, great ideas here. My blog promotes my offline business which is where I make my income. However, my plan is that a significant part of my income will come from online activites. Some great tips and a very interesting story.

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. wall decals says:

    Great Advice from Adam. Just keep going don’t get down if something doesn’t work. Find a way for you to succeed. Give it your all.

  10. Canopy Bed Curtains says:

    Adam has some very useful pointers which I’m sure everyone could learn from. His success just shows that anyone can be successful if they truly dedicate themselves.

  11. Robert D. says:

    Nice description and video.

    I have seen many people who are enjoying taste of success after tons of hard work, but one thing I also noticed, they just stick to their path no matter failure blocks their path.

    I strongly believe, when hard work meets an opportunity, result is SUCCESS.

    Robert D.

  12. BulaMarquez says:

    good video and hearing to successful people’s story is really good for me and i like doing it all the time because when you fell you won’t be able to achieve any thing you remember your words and start trying again and again and never give up, Thanks for sharing.

  13. Jessica says:

    It is Adam’s sheer luck that brings success to him in such a short period.

    I have seen many talented people who are working hard but do not taste success.

  14. Adam is a really cool guy, its so inspiring to see young dudes making things happen. It makes you say if this guy can, so can I

  15. website worth says:

    I first time heard about such great site.
    Adam i appreciate your knowledge. Your blog is really very nice and all the posts too.
    Please keep updating like that.

  16. Inspiring story. Lets us think that anything is possible if a little effort is done.

  17. You are very correct. Being persistent is key to becoming successful in anything. Why so many fail is that they give up to quickly.

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