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10 Reasons Having Your Own Internet Business Is Better Than Any Job

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10 Reasons Having Your Own Internet Business Is Better Than Any Job

There are plenty of website’s and books which can teach you how to get away from the day job and start a internet business in less than 24 hours but why haven’t so many people done it already!

Here is a list of 10 things that totally rock about having an Internet business:

1. We can be completely self sufficient to a point, we could do most of the work ourselves with very little experience, unlike most traditional business who would have to reply on manufacturers, delivery men, sales team, accountants and the list goes on!

2. We can sell our website which has made $5,000 for $500,000,000! Yes in the past 100’s of website’s that have made next to no money have sold for millions of dollars!

3. We Freelance – Our employees are all freelance so we don’t have to pay them when there sick, pregnant or want to go on holiday!

4. We can work from the beach, it doesn’t matter where we are, as long as we got a internet connection we are ready to go!

5. Every day can be like Christmas Day

6. You can wear whatever you like to work – I call this being a Boxer Shorts Entrepreneur!

7. We don’t just get paid for the hours we work, every hour is different!

8. We don’t have to sell anything to make money, there are 100s of ways other than selling a physical product to monetize a website!

9. We are safe! If someone wanted to hurt, harass or steal from me that would first need to find me!

10. No down time! We can always be open unlike our high street competitor which means more money for us!

If these 10 points have converted you from a 9 – 5 chump to possible Internet millionaire then you may want to read my guides on creating website’s and creating blog’s. Go see: http://www.WebMakeMoney.com/creating-your-first-website/

To Your Success

Michael Dunlop

— Young Entrepreneur | Founder of Retired At 21 .com —

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  1. @ZaggedEdge says:

    My vote is for the beach! That’s everyone’s dream, just look at Tim Ferriss’ in the Four Hour Work Week. That guy writes like he’s got it all; an internet business and an incredible lifestyle.

  2. #4 is a blessing, and a curse! Requires discipline to not work 24/7.

  3. EasyProfitPack says:

    Yeah, I have to agree with the reasons that you give. It totally rocks to be on your own and get it going.

    Well you also need to have the passion and the desire, without which all this perks would be nothing.

  4. Desk Coder says:

    Only 10? I can think of about 20 more (not having to deal with the 20 people I work with right now).

  5. Tom - StandOutBlogger.com says:

    hah… I am a massive fan of number 6! I regularly have days I stay in my pajamas til about 3pm!

  6. Michael you make this sound easy!!

    Being successful enough for these points to be any good you have to work incredibly hard all the time and sometimes go without nothing for years.

  7. Yup everything on this is true.
    I keep reading and reading this post over and over again, I dont know why

  8. Moneyontopic says:

    Can’t argue with that list no doubt. My personal favorite is working at home has allowed me to raise my daughter and see her grow up.

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